Sunday, 30 September 2012

NaNoWriMo time again! (Nearly...)

Gearing up for NaNoWriMo as I always do this time of year. I have the idea, I have vaguely started plotting, although I'm leaving that until nearer the time. If I do it too soon I'll want to start writing next week! I have something else I want to try and finish typing up first before I embark on the next NaNo challenge.

Although I'm wondering, should I be doing this? I'm meant to be focusing on poetry right now. I've done NaNo six times (I think... that seems a lot, but it must be... seven if you count camp Nano this year) and I'm beginning to wonder if I should still be doing it. What do I get out of it? It has been great at getting me to focus on writing a draft, and writing every day and I have learnt so much from it. Those drafts have all been fantastic experiences and pratice, and I'm so glad that I've done it. But I have this automatic response now at this time to year to begin planning my next NaNo novel and I vaguely wonder why.

But then, the draft I did last year has formed the back story/future story of a character I am now writing a children's series about. I wouldn't be writing this series if I hadn't written that draft.

But should I be moving on from it? I don't know. I like doing it. It's become a part of my year that I just accept now.

And I know tomorrow I will be re signing up on the website. 

EDIT: What did I tell you guys? Re signed up for this NaNo. I think I was just moaning. Here's my profile  xx


  1. I love NaNoWriMo! Have been thinking about what to do for November since I finished August LOL. I'm currently torn between re-writing a project or starting a fresh one that is just an idea at the moment.
    Personally I think that every NaNo brings something new to my writing, therefore I always think it is worth doing. Plus if the rough draft you write turns into something you want to edit and therefore becomes wonderful then it is totally worth it :P
    You could always write a series of poetry to, if you want to focus on that.

  2. Yay! Go NaNo! That's awesome :) ooh difficult choice!

    That's true, I suppose so. I know really that I'm going to do it, so I suppose, well I don't know.I have an idea, I just get to get on with some planning and everything. I don't think I could write 50,000 words of poetry! although nice idea! Haha :) Thank you! xxx

  3. I've never done NaNo, but it seems exciting and motivating. I say go with your gut. :)

    1. It is exciting! And great fun to do :) Thanks :) xxx
